Taking as a program language as a complete Turing Machine we can aim that LaTeX is a program language. However isn't the propouse of LaTeX. It was created as a collection of TeX macros, written by Leslie Lamport in 1984.

With an oposite phylosophy of WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) with LaTeX you're focused in what you're writting and not with how look at the first. However, is one of the reason of why is really popular in Academic Word is becuase its alows write maths, physics and chemist formulas with an realtively facility given awesome quality.

Personally, I use LaTeX for almost everything, isn't really common that I use Microsft Word, Libre Office or Apple Pages. Not saying that those programs aren't good, I found more usefull LaTeX since is possible edit the .tex files from the terminal and moreover in any Operative System. Awesome typography and not using a lot of the computer power.

Some of my templates

In the next buttons you can download some of my favourites templates that I know works complety ok, if you have an interesting update of any of them, please send me an email to talk abou it.


Also yu can see my Bachelor and Master Thesis on GitHub, the pull request won't be acepted, I guess is better if you do a new branch of the proyect.

Homework Template Bachelor Thesis Master Thesis