Hello, I'm Victoria Castor, a Mexican scientific living in Europe. I wrote this web section to share something about me, from a short autobiography to a list of func facts about me.

In my blog I wrote more about particular topics that I found interesting, hoping someone else would also find useful, topics from, music and vegetarien recipes to scientic papers.


Throughout my life I've been intrested in science. As a kid one of my first hobbies in was astronomy, making me think about planets, stars and the laws that govern the Universe. Growing up, my passion of astronomy extended to other natural sciences, trying to find an explanation for every phenomena arround me. Continuing my childhood without too much fiends, I started to play music, making myself happy and with one propuse for life. Latter on, during my high school years my favourite classes were history, philosophy and ethics. Thinking that my life would be dedicade for the arts and humanities.

However, when I had to decide about my career I listened my inner childhood and I chose chemistry as my bachelor degree. I started without particular preference in specific chemistry branch. I tried to learn from analytical chemistry to synthesis as equal. Nevertheless, it was not until I take a curse of quantum chemistry and saw scientific dissemination about Quantum Mechanics my mind change the paradigm of my scientific thinking. I understood the deep realtionship between chemistry and physics, how so many problems in chemistry are rooted in the physical properties of systems, and how so many physics of the complex is better explained using concepts borrowed from other sciences.

Looking for more about physics I understood that I like physics tons of times more than chemistry, even if I like chemistry, trying to understand the basis of everything for me was a new way of seeing the world. Moreover, understanding that all the math I had knewn wasn't enough at all to understand the whole complex world of basic science.

Later on, I started my MSc Degree in 2020 becuase of that I moved from America to Europe, from Mexico City to Madrid, particularly. That time wasn't the best time to travel, since the COVID-19 quarentine started in that year. Not knowing much about Madrid, my life in Europe was emocionally intense, however, with the time all was growing to better. I got the vaccine in Madrid, fortunatly, thus I could travel again.

After one and a half year in Spain I moved to Paris to write my master thesis at Sorbonne Université, while I was in Paris I had one of the best part in my whole life, knowing more about me and also loving the city.

Fun facts

  • I'm vegetarian.
  • My full name is Victoria Castor Villegas, without diagonal between my two last names.
  • In Mexican standars I didn't eat spacy food, but in Eruope I eat the spaciest food ever.
  • I've dyed my hair a lot of times in the last two years.
  • I'm not tall, I'm 1.63 m.
  • My favourite colour is purple, I guess.
  • I use to hate wear hats, but nowadays I love use berets.
  • My favourite band ever is The Bealtes.
  • I don't like travel.
  • I like ride bike.
  • I like chess but I'm not the best.
  • I like Pokémon.